The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO)
featured special guest stars during the one night
only performance of “The Galaxy’s Greatest Hits”
to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
Apollo 11 moon landing. Star Trekcast member
George Takei, former astronaut Charlie Duke, jazz
singer and songwriter Kurt Ellingand musician
James Morrison all made appearance in the
MSO’s moon landing celebration. The event took
place Oct. 14 at the Chicago Symphony Center.
“The Galaxy’s Greatest Hits” was the
internationally acclaimed orchestra’s Chicago
debut, a specially curated performance conducted
by Benjamin Northey. Guests were invited into
another world as the symphony performed favorite
space classics from Star Wars, E.T. the
Extra-Terrestrial, Gustav Holst’s The Planets, Star
Trek, Apollo 13 and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Video and HD images of space served as a
backdrop for the orchestra’s performance, while
the hall was transformed with atmospheric lighting.
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Best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu,
helmsman of the USS Enterprise, in the
television series Star Trek, George Takei was the
host of the evening, enlightening the audience
with Star Trekmemories.Charlie Duke spoke
about his experiences as anastronaut, retired
U.S. Air Force officer and being thetenth and
youngest person to walk on the moonas Lunar
Module pilot for Apollo 16 in 1972.Grammy
Award-winning Chicago jazz star Kurt Elling
performed “Come Flywith Me” and James
Morrison performed his popular song “Stardust”.
“Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is thrilled to
make its Chicago debut and to commemorate a
monumental moment in history” said Managing
Director Sophie Galaise. “The 50thanniversary of
the moon landing is a global milestone and we
look forward to bringing people together to
celebrate in a unique and exciting way that will
be a feast for the eyes and ears.”
Australian businessman Anthony Pratt, a
long-time supporter of the MSO, marked the
50-year moon landing milestone with a donation
of 50 tickets to some of Chicago’s most
promising young musicians, giving them the
opportunity to experience this special event.“This
support will allow the best and brightest of
Chicago’s young musical community to discover
Australia’s pre-eminent orchestra while
recognizing one of the most significant moments
in American and world history,” said Mr Pratt,
owner and executive chairman of Visy/Pratt
Industries, which operate hundreds of packaging
factories in Australia and the U.S., including the